


Post Trauma Recovery

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PTSD Healing is a new initiative in Britain created by South African Marine veteran, Jason Schroeder. This experience is now being offered to veterans of all wars who suffer from 'PTSD', Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Through my own struggles with this 'disorder' which never had a name in South Africa,
just bad experiences and in my opinion a 'get on with it' national attitude, I have created
'The Warriors Return' program. Over the past twenty years of not only surviving my own inner tormented darkness I have through different experiences started to thrive in a world that I was disconnected from and it from me. My transformational journey over the years has made me into what I am today, changed and different to how I was before my military experience. Once experienced one can never be the same again and thats ok.

As far as I know for the first time in Britain and with a focussed intent, a program has been created which incorporates some of these warrior culture ceremonies, in support to our veterans. Many ancient cultures from Europe and the other continents have had ceremonies that 'wash the blood' of trauma from the returning warriors minds and allows them to reintegrate with their own society on their home coming. These ceremonies and a new mental skills set are not shared by the military machine but are on The Warriors Return. This experience has the potential to 'clear' the inner road and stop the intense suffering experienced on many levels for the returning veteran, their families and society.

I have travelled some of these dark inner roads and connect to you. My wish is to support you as I have been supported in a real 'home coming'. A way forward so you can start to thrive as I have in this 'society' that is called home but is so different from the one YOU left before you enlisted. 

What to do next?

If you would like to join the ranks of our warrior ancestors and take this journey, this Warriors Return with me, please do get in contact.

My hand is reaching out for yours.....yours to take!
I really hope you do and look forward to hearing from you.

In 'continued' service
Jason Schroeder

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The Code Of Honour

Helping Veterans and their loved ones try to get some understanding on what its like to come home, thats no longer 'home'.

As the writer says, "Ancient wisdom teaches that to be forewarned is to be forearmed. I came home un-forewarned, was thus unarmed, in hell, and bleeding – shot thru the heart by un-realistic expectations. And on that bloody hook, thereby hangs this tale.”

Click below to read
The Code of Honour from one that has been there and returned!

  Code of Honour